Wednesday, October 30, 2019

James Luna Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

James Luna - Essay Example The product of a Mexican father and Luiseno Indian mother, Luna was born in 1950 on the La Jolla Indian reservation in Southern California. Raised in Orange County, he received a degree in art from the University of California Irvine in 1976. At that time, the art department at Cal-Irvine was a significant influence throughout southern California in terms of encouraging performance and conceptual art. Upon graduation, Luna returned to the La Jolla Reservation and enrolled at San Diego State University where he received a Masters degree in counseling. Currently, he is employed by Palomar College in San Marcos as a counselor. Initially trained as a painter, Luna now travels the globe demonstrating his version of conceptualistic art working principally with presentation video and visual art. His performance combines contemporary artistic offerings with Indian rituals, parodies, humor and autobiographical nuance within the context of prevailing, conventional attitudes toward native culture. Although the artistic methods he employs would be readily recognizable to an audience that prefers contemporary performance or gallery art, he injects this form with the teachings of his native cultural heritage and presents current conditions of native peoples. Despite this, Luna maintains that his form of art is not intended to politically motivate his audience. â€Å"In doing work about social issues I use myself to explore conditions here on the reservation. It is not my place to tell people how to act† (Durland, 2003). Through his works, Luna constantly endeavors to challenge the stereotypical, idealized notion of the dignified, yet savage Indian. His performances are theatrical in nature and are aesthetically intricate while making both subtle and overt political observations all of which produce a multi-faceted perception regarding the native culture to the audience. Luna’s performance is hardly what

Monday, October 28, 2019

An Overview of the Twelve Tables Essay Example for Free

An Overview of the Twelve Tables Essay If anything, The Twelve Tables of the Roman Empire provide for the disposing of a common, stereotypical image of Roman society that it was a lawless, militaristic totalitarian state where the Emperor executed thousands of citizens with no care for the rule of law. While it is true that certain Emperors such as Caligula and Nero were hardly known for their excellent records for human rights, the reality is that Roman Society was a civilization that placed great emphasis on the legal structures and due process, albeit these laws also displayed a wanton cruelty designed to impose the Roman concept of order on the populace. Per Cicero, â€Å"Though all the world exclaim against me, I will say what I think: that single little book of the Twelve Tables, if anyone look to the fountains and sources of laws, seems to me, assuredly, to surpass the libraries of all the philosophers, both in weight of authority, and in plenitude of utility.† (Halsall) That is, the authority of The Twelve Tables is absolute. As an imperialist and occupying power, Rome was merciless. Its humanitarian goals were non-existent and it enslaved thousands. Domestically, Rome, while not as wanton, still remained harsh. While it did impose a series of harmless laws, usually centering on economic issues that provided a sense of order within the civilization, other rules were incredibly cruel. While there were statutes dealing with such benign issues as dealing with the paving of roads and civil litigation, there are a number of laws that also promote slavery, infanticide, torture, women’s subjugation and public executions, all of which promoted the state and the ruling class as the center of all moral authority. In comparison to the Code of Hannurabi and the Code of Assura, there is a great deal of â€Å"overlap† in terms of how an established, orderly system had been designed in order to establish property rights that extended to including women and subjugated slaves as property. In this regard, The Twelve Tables are highly derivative of these two codes as all three exist to impose the rule of a dominant, male ruling class where the state rules with an iron fist in order to maintain its control. Instead of an disorderly society where anarchy rules over all else, there is an established society with a code of laws, albeit unfair laws that can also wield the iron fist of cruelty where the moral relativism of the state is responsible for the brutality that it has sanctioned as legitimate. In regards to the Covenants found in Hebrew society, while there is present the subjugation of women and capital punishment of crimes, the ultimate moral authority is God.   â€Å"A covenant is more personal than a contract — it involves loyalty and allegiance, not just a financial exchange. God has made several agreements or covenants with humans. He gives commands and makes promises.† (Morrison) That is, the existing Covenants are between God and his people as opposed to the people and the state as evidenced in the other three societies. Furthermore, Hebrew laws derived an authority from God that eliminated the moral ambiguity that allowed for the more violent laws of the secular societies used to crush decent and control the population. This is not to say that Hebrew Society was free of injustice, but it did not co-opt the wanton cruelty that existed in the other civilizations. Roman society was not a society of disorganized laws that imposed cruelty. On the contrary, the cruelty imposed upon the populace in the Roman Empire were based on an orderly set of laws that while legal, were immoral, which begs that question as to whether or not the laws were ultimately legitimate. Works Cited Paul Halsall, 01 June 1998, Ancient History Sourcebook: The Twelve Tables 04 November 2006 URL Paul Halsall, 01 June 1998, Ancient History Sourcebook: The Code of the Assura, 04 November 2006 URL Michael Morrison, 1995, Covenants in the Bible, 04 November 2006 URL

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Animals’ Rights? Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Essays

Animals’ Rights? Animals flock about nature going on with their daily lives eating, mating, playing, and hiding. â€Å"Hiding from what?† someone might ask. They are hiding from the predators that roam the earth as if it is only theirs to move about freely without respecting the other inhabitants of the earth. These predators are known as humans. Many of these predators have taken the lives of many animals selfishly and disrespectfully. Some animal species have been killed by the hundreds each year, many times for the purpose of putting money in the pocket of the killers. Some animals have been wounded and not retrieved and therefore left to die in agony. This must stop and there are some reasons why. If all of the animals were gone, then they could not reproduce and would not survive as an ongoing species. Humans could not survive without animals for food and shelter. Killing these animal species off without any purpose but for the pleasure of hunting and for the small portion of money earned thereafter. This leads to the belief that a certain amount of respect has been lost for animals. This respect that I am trying to give to the animals is in the sense that humans will do almost anything to ensure that life continues for them for as long and prosperous as possible. Plants will grow back and animals reproduce, but something must exist if it is to reproduce. We as humans do not see this problem. When I speak for the humans I am speaking for the majority of people who do not realize that this is a problem. However, I believe that some do understand the reality behind excessive amounts of hunting. There are those, however, who see nothing except for the animal that stands in fron t of them and the weapon they hold. Those who stan... ...en every year. Hunting them within the set limits has resulted in the decrease of these accidents and it has also regulated the deer population. Without these rules however, animal species are at risk. Humans have become predators of everything that exist. Animal, plants, and the earth are prey for the humans. The amount that the humans use of each has drastically increased. The earth was made for the humans to look after and humans are not doing a very good job of keeping it fit for survival. Of course, not all humans act in this way nor do they believe that this is how the human race has developed. Remember that animals and humans both live on the earth and though it may be human nature to hunt for our survival, over-hunting many of these animals will result in our extinction, especially when many of the animals that we use for food and shelter cease to exist.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Hunting laws essay Essay

Why are people likely to break hunting laws, whereas the people with the license are the ones that suffer? Over the years people have violated hunting laws. There has been little research for motivations for poaching. Illegal taking of wildlife is a serious problem in today’s society. Questions such as these prompted are discussed in the two following articles: â€Å"Illegal Hunting and Angling the Neutralization of Wildlife,† by Stephen L. Eliason, and an article by Bob Hood â€Å"Rules of the Game. † At first it may appear that only way these two writers might meet in  common ground would be in a head on collision. Nevertheless after reading their articles more carefully, one can realize that Eliason and Hood are actually saying two different things. Initially, these articles seem to be very little in common. Although their titles, for example, convey the same image: Eliasons aggressive â€Å"Illegal Hunting and Angling the Neutralization of Wildlife† versus Hoods passive â€Å"Rules of the Game. † Their subject matters and these authors reasons for writing make them very dissimilar, Eliason states how the very impact  of poaching has affected our society by contrast Hood is merely stating the facts of our local Texas game laws. Between Eliasons use of his method of trying to inform the reader what poaching can do and Hoods general statements on how to follow Texas game warden laws, readers have difficulty recognizing a neutral meeting ground between these persistent writers. Villasenor 2 This strong insistence by each writer that hunting laws should be followed, however, helps the readers see the two differences between these two articles. For both authors, the proposition that â€Å"hunting laws should be followed† is their way of trying to reach out to the general public. For instance Hood states local Texas hunting laws and gives you basic information on how they should be followed. Eliason however is stating on how poaching affects the country as a whole and has enough data and facts to prove his cause. Regarding the similar topic though, we find Hood and Eliason expressing very different views. According to Hood he is stating the dos and don’ts every hunter should know before  hinting predators and non-game animals. Eliason cites a much more informative article stating the affects of the ecological impact of poaching and much more evidence to support his view point. Although Eliason and Hood write about the differences in hunting laws, readers can not see a common ground. Upon close analysis, their articles reveal more then several points of dissimilarity. Both writers have two totally different viewpoints about hunting laws. Readers can recognize that Eliasons and Hoods statements prove to be different.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Accrual Method Checkpoint HSM/260 Essay

In a nonprofit organization it is important to make sure we are utilizing the best accounting system for our organization. Organizations that are non-profit are expected to provide financial statements that are based upon the accrual method of accounting. The accrual method of accounting differs from cash basis accounting. In the accrual method, income is recognized when services are rendered (Kokemuller, 2013). The accrual method focuses on recording revenue and expenses when the transaction occurs. Cash basis of accounting records income as money is received. An example of cash basis accounting is when a non-profit uses their checkbook to record debits and transactions as they occur. Accrual accounting is important because it ensures accountability in a non-profit organization. In an accrual system revenue does not equal cash. Expenses and revenue in an accrual system is based on the time frame in which they were earned. The cash basis accounting is based upon the actual payment. Revenue on an accrual system is not related to the cash basis system as cash accounts are. The statement of cash flow in the financial management of a human services organization is very important. This statement provides a financial record of the cash received and spent within a specific time period, for example on a yearly quarterly basis. The non-profit and human services organizations are kept informed by the statement of cash flow and how finances are managed and disbursed. In the financial management of a nonprofit organization it is important to understand the difference between accrual and cash basis methods of accounting. The accrual method is used most often in nonprofit organizations because it demonstrates the correlation between costs and income the most precisely. Reference Page: 1. Kokemuller, N. (June, 2013). Does Revenue Equal Cash In An Accrual System? Retrieved from: system-68175.html

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The eNotes Blog Twentieth Anniversary of Tim OBriens The Things TheyCarried

Twentieth Anniversary of Tim OBriens The Things TheyCarried A true war story is never moral. It does not instruct, nor encourage virtue, nor suggest models of proper human behavior, nor restrain men from doing the things men have always done. If a story seems moral, do not believe it. If at the end of a war story you feel uplifted, or if you feel that some small bit of rectitude has been salvaged from the larger waste, then you have been made the victim of a very old and terrible lie. There is no rectitude whatsoever. There is no virtue. As a first rule of thumb, therefore, you can tell a true war story by its absolute and uncompromising allegiance to obscenity and evil.    ~ Tim OBrien, The Things They Carried 2010  marks the twentieth year of the publication of Tim OBriens The Things They Carried, a collection of stories about the war in which he fought, Vietnam.   The celebrated work (which was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize) is now a staple of both high school and college literature courses. Since 1990, the book has sold over two million copies. OBrien began writing The Things They Carried some twenty years after his return from the Vietnam War.   His vivid descriptions of the horrors of war, the  abiding camaraderie  that soldiers experience,   and the permanent, psychological scars left by combat have all contributed to the longevity and enduring popularity of the work. It has now been forty years since OBrien returned from the Vietnam War. In  an interview with National Public Radios Talk of the Nation, host Neal Conan asked the author what he personally stills carries after such a long time. OBrien responded, Well, I carry the memories or the ghosts of a place called Vietnam, the people of Vietnam, my fellow soldiers. More importantly, I guess, I carry the weight of responsibility and a sense of abiding guilt. I carry joyful memories, too, friends I made and the conversations at foxholes where, for a moment or two, the war would seem to vanish into camaraderie and friendship. OBrien  confesses that he was initially  surprised that his book is so widely taught in high school. He admits the audience he envisioned was  composed of literate people on subways and going to work and in their homes reading the book.  But he is pleased that young readers have found ways to connect to his themes. While they are not on the  literal battlefield, they fight their own wars of  Ã‚  broken homes and bad childhoods. The long wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan  have also brought new readers to the book. Soldiers  called in to the program to thank OBrien for his truthfulness, and to tell the author what they personally carry. Veterans told him about the literal,  from dog tags to wristbands (made) out of 550 cord, to the psychological.  A caller named Terry said, You know, Id like to say that one of the things that I still carry is the wonder that people voted to keep us there. I came back and joined Vietnam Veterans Against the War, and I found that you couldnt tell anybody what you had witnessed. Without having some experience, it just, they either didnt want to hear it or they couldnt relate to it. Ernest Hemingway instructed writers to write one true sentence. OBrien has written many of them. And that is what continues to draw readers.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Weapons Used by Pirates

Weapons Used by Pirates Pirates of the Golden Age of Piracy, which lasted roughly from 1700-1725, employed a variety of weapons to carry out their high-seas thievery. These weapons were not unique to pirates but were also common on merchant and naval vessels at the time. Most pirates preferred not to fight, but when a fight was called for, the pirates were ready! Here are some of their favorite weapons. Cannons The most dangerous pirate ships were those with several mounted cannons - ideally, at least ten. Large pirate ships, such as Blackbeards Queen Annes Revenge or Bartholomew Roberts Royal Fortune had as many as 40 cannons on board, making them a match for any Royal Navy warship of the time. Cannons were very useful but somewhat tricky to use and required the attention of a master gunner. They could be loaded with large cannonballs to damage hulls, grapeshot or canister shot to clear decks of enemy sailors or soldiers, or chain shot (two small cannonballs chained together) to damage enemy masts and rigging. In a pinch, just about anything could be (and was) loaded into a cannon and fired: nails, bits of glass, rocks, scrap metal, etc. Hand Weapons Pirates tended to favor lightweight, quick weapons which could be used in close quarters after boarding. Belaying pins are small bats used to help secure ropes, but they also make fine clubs. Boarding axes were used to cut ropes and wreak havoc in rigging: they also made for lethal hand-to-hand weapons. Marlinspikes were spikes made of hardened wood or metal and were about the size of a railroad spike. They had a variety of uses onboard a ship but also made handy daggers or even clubs in a pinch. Most pirates also carried sturdy knives and daggers. The hand-held weapon most commonly associated with pirates is the saber: a short, stout sword, often with a curved blade. Sabers made for excellent hand weapons and also had their uses on board when not in battle. Firearms Firearms such as rifles and pistols were popular among pirates, but of limited use as loading them took time. Matchlock and Flintlock rifles were used during sea battles, but not as often in close quarters. Pistols were much more popular: Blackbeard himself wore several pistols in a sash, which helped him intimidate his foes. The firearms of the era were not accurate at any distance but packed a wallop at close range. Other Weapons Grenadoes were essentially pirate hand-grenades. Also called powder flasks, they were hollow balls of glass or metal which were filled with gunpowder and then fitted with a fuse. Pirates lit the fuse and threw the grenade at their enemies, often with devastating effect. Stinkpots were, as the name suggests, pots or bottles filled with some stinking substance: these were thrown onto the decks of enemy ships in the hope that the fumes would incapacitate the enemies, causing them to vomit and retch. Reputation Perhaps a pirates greatest weapon was his reputation. If the sailors on a merchant ship saw a pirate flag that they could identify as, say, Bartholomew Roberts, they would often immediately surrender instead of putting up a fight (whereas they might run from or fight a lesser pirate). Some pirates actively cultivated their image. Blackbeard was the most famous example: he dressed the part, with a fearsome jacket and boots, pistols and swords about his body, and smoking wicks in his long black hair and beard that made him look like a demon: many sailors believed he was, in fact, a fiend from Hell! Most pirates preferred not to fight: fighting meant lost crew members, damaged ships and perhaps even a sunken prize. Often, if a victim ship put up a fight, pirates would be harsh to the survivors, but if it surrendered peacefully, they would not harm the crew (and could even be quite friendly). This was the reputation that most pirates wanted. They wanted their victims to know that if they handed over the loot, they would be spared. Sources Cordingly, David. New York: Random House Trade Paperbacks, 1996 Defoe, Daniel (Captain Charles Johnson). A General History of the Pyrates. Edited by Manuel Schonhorn. Mineola: Dover Publications, 1972/1999. Konstam, Angus. The World Atlas of Pirates. Guilford: The Lyons Press, 2009 Konstam, Angus. The Pirate Ship 1660-1730. New York: Osprey, 2003. Rediker, Marcus. Villains of All Nations: Atlantic Pirates in the Golden Age. Boston: Beacon Press, 2004. Woodard, Colin. The Republic of Pirates: Being the True and Surprising Story of the Caribbean Pirates and the Man Who Brought Them Down. Mariner Books, 2008.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Study for Objective Test Questions

How to Study for Objective Test Questions Objective test questions are those that require a specific answer. An objective question usually has only one potential correct answer (although there may be some room for answers that are close), and they leave no room for  opinion. Objective test questions differ from subjective test questions, which have more than one potential correct answer and sometimes have room for a justified opinion. Objective test questions may be constructed as a list of possible answers, requiring the students to recognize the correct one from the list. These questions include matching, true/false, and multiple choice. Other  objective test questions, like fill-in-the-blank questions, require that the student recall the correct answer from memory. How to Study for Objective Questions Objective questions with short, specific answers require memorization. Flashcards are a helpful tool for this process. However, students should not stop with memorizing terms and definitions, as memorization is only the first step. As a student, you must gain a deeper understanding of each term or concept in order to understand why some potential multiple choice answers are  incorrect. Imagine that you need to know the effects of the Emancipation Proclamation for your history test. To succeed on the test, It is not enough to remember what the proclamation  did  accomplish. You must also consider what this executive order  did not  do. For example, you should know that the proclamation was  not  a law and that its impact was limited. This knowledge will help you predict which  wrong  answers might be presented on the test and will enable you to outsmart any trick questions. Because you should go beyond memorizing answers for your test terms, you should team up  with a study partner  and  create your own  multiple choice practice test. Each of you should write out one right and several wrong answers. Then, you should discuss why each potential answer is correct or incorrect. Tackling Objective Test Questions Ideally, you have studied hard and you know all the answers. Realistically, however, there will be some questions that you find a little tricky. Sometimes, a multiple choice question will have two answers that you can’t quite decide between. Don’t be afraid to skip these questions and answer the ones you feel most confident about first. That way, you know what questions you need to spend a little more time on. The same goes for matching style tests. Eliminate all the options you know are wrong and mark out the answers youve already used. This process will make the remaining answers a little easier to identify.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Examine Full Metal Jacket and Apocalypse Now as war porn Essay

Examine Full Metal Jacket and Apocalypse Now as war porn - Essay Example The contrast between the misty green landscape and the penetrating force of the hi-tech war machines is emphasized through the soundtrack which uses Wagner’s â€Å"Ride of the Valkyries† to dramatic effect. Echoes of the Nazi use of this music for propaganda purposes are not lost on a modern audience who must view the lusty singing of the soldiers as an example of the glory and at the same time the moral bankruptcy of modern warfare. This is the paradox that lies at the heart of most war films dating from the Vietnam period onwards. Any attempt by a filmmaker to depict the horrors of war can be interpreted as an encouragement to develop anti-war feeling in the audience, or alternatively, and much more disturbingly as a celebration and glorification of killing. It has been observed, for example, that Apocalypse Now has a focus on bodies and weapons, even to the extent that the character Kurtz is portrayed in a highly sexualized manner: â€Å"Coppola frames the first sig ht of him in an erotic manner, letting us see Kurtz’s bald head bathed eerily in yellow light in a manner that literally suggests the head of a penis† (Eberwein, p. 116). ... This change is depicted as a kind of subversion of Lance Johnson’s sanity and maleness, and an abandonment of normative male sexuality (Eberwein, p. 117). In other words, the film shows a deviant kind of masculinity which rejects â€Å"normal† relationships with women in favour of a much darker sexuality connected with brutality and violence, leading to the death of all outsiders, whether they are Vietnamese or American. This is the horrible end point of the brutalizing force of war, showing a lawless group operating out of control, on a mission of gratuitous cruelty and destruction. It can be argued that other characters in the film, such as the uptight Captain Willard (Martin Sheen) represent a counterbalance to the wayward band of followers under Kurtz’s influence, promoting a patriotic use of force in defence of more positive and moral objectives. Willard survives the terror tactics of Kurtz and in the end brutally murders him, proving perhaps the necessity o f absolute force. Under such a reading of the film, there is no pornographic content, because the extreme conditions of war simply demand an equally extreme response. For other observers, however, the moral depravity of war makes Willard just as culpable as Kurtz in his use of covert tactics to achieve his mission objectives. Lance is saved from the fate of Kurtz’s men, but at what moral cost? In Stanley Kubrick’s Full Metal Jacket (1987) the very title of the film highlights the dehumanizing effect of war, or to be more precise, the systematic hardening up of soldiers that takes place in training courses designed to produce trained killers for military action. A large portion of the film

Friday, October 18, 2019

Conflict between Irish Republican Army (IRA) and the Northern Ireland Essay

Conflict between Irish Republican Army (IRA) and the Northern Ireland - Essay Example The paper has stated that the primary aim of the battle was due to rising discrimination of the small minority Catholic group who claimed that their political freedom was thwarted. Also, they were hindered from active political participation in the nation’s political agenda. The paper also indicates that the other motive of the conflict was due to the diversity in ideologies between the Protestants and the Catholics. One group backed the support of the British rule in the country while the other wanted total freedom and full control of the country. This, as the paper suggest led to inequality in resource allocation for the individuals in the southern part who were economically disadvantaged, and most of the residents were in acute poverty besides being politically sidelined. This paper also further discusses the troubles that existed as a result of the conflict and it tends to respond to the notion that the development of large protest groups acts as a prerequisite to the deve lopment of political violence in a country. This essay makes a conclusion that the conflict that existed between IRA and the Northern Ireland resulted in several innocent killings and damages of property. The primary motives of the attacks were politically instigated because there was significant discrimination of the Catholics who were opposing their colonial oppression. The rise in the political tension in the country was stimulated highly by the small political and union groups that merged to trigger the individuals into fighting.

Big Dog & Little Dog's Performance Juxtaposition Assignment

Big Dog & Little Dog's Performance Juxtaposition - Assignment Example From the results of the Leadership Style Survey, I learned that I manifest and generally apply the democratic or participative style (score was 40) where I enjoin subordinates to provide inputs and communicate their thoughts, ideas, and comments in daily operations as they contribute towards the achievement of a unified organizational goal. From the survey, it was noted that â€Å"some of the best leaders operate out of the participative mode and use the other two modes as needed†. The score I generated for the authoritarian style was 32 and that for the delegative style was 27. I always believe that people become more motivated in the workplace setting when leaders encourage them to participate, not only by doing the responsibilities expected of them; but also by contributing thoughts, comments, insights on how they think current operations and performances could be improved. The leaders’ roles should take an encouraging and motivating stance to guide the subordinates towards the attainment of the organization’s mission, vision, and goals. I was actually expecting that the next leadership mode that I would exemplify was more of a delegative than authoritative style. However, the results indicate that I favor being autocratic than free-rein. Honestly, I believe that the best style would really depend on three factors: the personality of the leader, the personality of the subordinates, and the situation. The information would be useful as a guide for both personal and professional development in terms of focusing on the traits and characteristics that were deemed weak or that needs to be improved. For example, since the next leadership style manifested from the survey was the autocratic style, I could look into the areas that need to be adjusted or improved in terms of encouraging employees to contribute insights in the decision-making process, as needed; or delegating more tasks, as required. The end result should assist in improving not on ly me personal and professional development, as a leader but also the personal and professional development of the people I lead.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

'NGOs legitimacy and representation at the global level' Literature review

'NGOs legitimacy and representation at the global level' - Literature review Example ons and an annual addition of 1200 new ones (Yearbook of international organizations, 2013).This essay seeks to examine the concepts of legitimacy and representation of these NGOs at the global level. In addition, the essay intends to find out the ways in which accountability and representation can be enhanced. As a point of departure, a pressing question on the legitimacy and present political debate on reclaiming the democratic projects in the context of globalization has arose and it needs to be answered. Numerous institutions and scholars have always argued out the extent to which these NGOs are legitimate, responsible and answerable (MACDONALD, 2008). These aspects directly affect the subjects. For instance, the reason for the recent mounting of pressure of high profile campaigns for democratization of powerful international organizations such as the IMF and world Bank includes the belief that, these organizations are neither not representatives of the subjects, nor do they exhibit the aspects of accountable bodies. Montesquieu, a balanced democrat argues that any leadership that is a representative of subjects must get consent of the governed. This follows that, a legitimate NGO should be attributed to the consent of the governed either through elections or by acclamation. This follows that, democracy is exhibited in these institutions if Montesquieu principle is applied (LOY, 1968). On the other hand, Locke confirms that the aspect of legitimacy must be derived from the subjects and once a legitimate body has been consented, then subjects have a preserve of their rights through these bodies. Locke believes that, the interests of the subjects must come first before personal interests (LOCKE, 1990). The question that arises is that who bestows responsibilities to NGOs and how representation of citizens is gained? This follows that, the aspect of representation is challengeable. Despite MACDONALD’s assertion that, alternative non-electoral mechanism of

The Importance of Diversification Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Importance of Diversification - Essay Example The Importance of Diversification Diversification involves adding new products from different industries (Investopedia, 2013). For instance Tuscan Treasures can add to its product line the sale of vacation packages and cruise trips. In 2011 the global tourism industry generated revenues exceeding one trillion dollars (Berwyn, 2012). The use of a diversification strategy lowers the business risk of the company, while at the same time increasing its income streams. The third growth strategy the firm must use is product development. The company can introduce its own line of decorative products. These products are going to be unique and different because they will be made using banana ply paper as the raw material. Banana ply paper is a renewable source that comes from the trunks of the banana trees. The owner of the patent is the company Papyrus Australia. This company offers licensing agreement to companies interested in sponsoring its product to become business partners. Decorative products are a complimentary product to furniture that will increase the overall revenues of the firm. It is important to properly market the new green product through different marketing channels such as the internet, television, satellite radio, and mobile technology. The company is suffering from profitability problems. There are a variety of factors that could be causing the firm’s inability to generate profits. Profitability issues typically involve either declining sales or increasing costs. The company’s sales must be sufficient to cover all fixed and variable costs. If the expenses of the company exceed its revenues the company will incur in net losses. The firm must determine its breakeven cost to ensure the sales projections of the company exceed that number. A way to boost the sales of the company is by investing in advertising. The poor profitability of the company may be associated with high costs. The company must perform a cost analysis to evaluate the payroll obligations of the company. The analysis should provide information regarding whether the company is overpaying its employees and to determine if the firm could operate with a smaller workforce. Investment in new technologies can increase the efficiency and profita bility of the business. New technology can also reduce labor costs. A second element of the cost structure of the company that must be evaluated is its materials costs. The market must be analyzed to determine if a suitable supplier of Italian furniture is available that offers lower prices than the firm’s current suppliers. Lowering materials costs will reduce the cost structure of the firm and raise profitability. Another reason the profitability of the company may be suffering is a lack of productivity. Low employee morale or a lack of motivation can hinder the productivity of the workers. The managers of the company are responsible for motivating the staff. A way to increase the motivation of the workers is by offering intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. An example of an intrinsic reward is a manager telling a subordinate they did a great job during a work day. Offering positive reinforcement can increase the confidence of the workers. Giving financing incentives such as a C hristmas bonus is an example of an extrinsic reward. Part C The downsizing initiative of the firm must be well planned and executed in an effective manner. The company must keep the information about the strategy internal to avoid hurting

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

'NGOs legitimacy and representation at the global level' Literature review

'NGOs legitimacy and representation at the global level' - Literature review Example ons and an annual addition of 1200 new ones (Yearbook of international organizations, 2013).This essay seeks to examine the concepts of legitimacy and representation of these NGOs at the global level. In addition, the essay intends to find out the ways in which accountability and representation can be enhanced. As a point of departure, a pressing question on the legitimacy and present political debate on reclaiming the democratic projects in the context of globalization has arose and it needs to be answered. Numerous institutions and scholars have always argued out the extent to which these NGOs are legitimate, responsible and answerable (MACDONALD, 2008). These aspects directly affect the subjects. For instance, the reason for the recent mounting of pressure of high profile campaigns for democratization of powerful international organizations such as the IMF and world Bank includes the belief that, these organizations are neither not representatives of the subjects, nor do they exhibit the aspects of accountable bodies. Montesquieu, a balanced democrat argues that any leadership that is a representative of subjects must get consent of the governed. This follows that, a legitimate NGO should be attributed to the consent of the governed either through elections or by acclamation. This follows that, democracy is exhibited in these institutions if Montesquieu principle is applied (LOY, 1968). On the other hand, Locke confirms that the aspect of legitimacy must be derived from the subjects and once a legitimate body has been consented, then subjects have a preserve of their rights through these bodies. Locke believes that, the interests of the subjects must come first before personal interests (LOCKE, 1990). The question that arises is that who bestows responsibilities to NGOs and how representation of citizens is gained? This follows that, the aspect of representation is challengeable. Despite MACDONALD’s assertion that, alternative non-electoral mechanism of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Khatami Presidency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Khatami Presidency - Essay Example Practical wisdom can be observed in every activities of Mohammad Khatami as Iranian President. He was responsible for laying foundations for economic reforms and liberalizations in Iran. While Ahmadinejad tried to make Iran as a military power, Khatami was keen in the economic development of Iran. He has contested two elections and won both. In fact, he has secured more than 70% of the total votes poled in his first election. During his president ship, Khatami tried to respect all types of human rights such as freedom of expression and tolerance to other religions. Moreover, he worked hard to strengthen Iran’s diplomatic relations with other states including United States, Asia and European Union. He did everything possible to enhance the free market concept and also for the enhancement of foreign direct investments in Iran. In short, Khatami’s president ship helped Iran immensely in political, economic and cultural circles. This paper critically analyses Khatamiâ€℠¢s political life in general and his economic reformation policies in particular. How Khatami came to power? Iran was a constitutional monarchy (Afkhami 171), until the 1979 revolution. Until 1979, Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was in power. Even though Shah allowed parliamentary democracy in Iran, he was not ready to leave the legal and executive powers. Even though Shah initially enjoyed a ceremonial position, he had slowly increased his executive power and started to implement autocracy in Iran. But, Iranian people under the Supreme Leadership of Ruhollah Khomeini captured power in 1979. Since then, parliamentary democracy was implemented in Iran. Even though democracy was established in Iran in 1979, religious leaders started to control Iranian politics since 1979. They were keen in promoting their factional interests than trying to make room for all groups and perspectives (Mirsepassi 99). As a result of that Iranian people started to lose faith in the abilities of religious leade rs. They were keen in avoiding religious fundamentalism from politics. In Mohammad Khatami, Iranian people started to see a leader they were looking for. Until the 1997 parliament elections, Khatami assumed many critical ministerial posts in Iran. While working as a minister of Iran, Khatami revealed his liberal attitudes many times. It should be noted that Khatami has resigned in 1997 from the post of Minister of Islamic guidance in support for freedom of press and freedom of art and culture (Mirsepassi 120). Even though majority of the Iranian politicians worked for the betterment of the community which they belong, Khatami was different. He worked hard to protect the interests of all Iranians rather than the community he represents. Khatami’s base of support cut across regional and class lines with its core consisting of the modern middle class, college students, women and urban workers. His campaign was based in theory on the rule of law, democracy and the inclusion of al l Iranian in the political decision making process (Mirsepassi 113). In Mohammad Khatami, Iranian people found a true democratic leader. Khatami began as a Khomeinist (Keddie 267). However, later he shaped his own visions about the future of Iran. He advocated greater freedom to women, Sunnis and other minorities and emphasized the importance of civil society during his tenure as the president of Iran. His call for greater freedom, civil rights, rule of law and

Monday, October 14, 2019

Bachelor of Arts Community development Essay Example for Free

Bachelor of Arts Community development Essay The unit explores the power of ideas to change the world and ourselves, focusing on their birth, transmission, evolution, and personal and global impact. Through the study of selected themes, students are introduced to the knowledge and approaches central to the arts, social sciences and humanities, and are invited to reflect on competing moral and social arguments. The development of writing and critical thinking skills are a core focus of the unit. The unit is arranged around four different topics, each of which is allocated five or six lectures and three tutorials. Each topic consists of an organising theme which is used to focus a set of contrasting disciplinary perspectives from within the arts, social sciences and humanities. For 2014, the four organising themes are: ââ€" ¦The individual and the community. ââ€" ¦Violence ââ€" ¦Truth and representation ââ€" ¦The good life The key aims of this unit are as follows: ââ€" ¦To introduce students to a range of methodological, conceptual and theoretical appraoches to the main discipline areas covered in the Bachelor of Arts degree. ââ€" ¦To show how social and moral issues may be examined from diverse perspectives, so as to result in differing evaluations, each offering potentially valuable illuminations. ââ€" ¦To provide students with the conceptual tools to become more articulate and reflective in their examination of social and moral issues. The majors which comprise the Bachelor of Arts in 2014 are: ââ€" ¦Asian Studies ââ€" ¦Australian Indigenous Studies ââ€" ¦Communication and Media Studies ââ€" ¦Community Development ââ€" ¦Criminology ââ€" ¦Education Studies ââ€" ¦English and Creative Writing ââ€" ¦Games Art and Design ââ€" ¦History ââ€" ¦Indonesian ââ€" ¦Interactive Digital Design ââ€" ¦International Aid and Development ââ€" ¦Japanese ââ€" ¦Journalism ââ€" ¦Legal Studies ââ€" ¦Philosophy ââ€" ¦Photography ââ€" ¦Public Relations ââ€" ¦Politics and International Studies ââ€" ¦Radio ââ€" ¦Religion ââ€" ¦Security, Terrorism and Counterterrorism Studies ââ€" ¦Social and Developmental Psychology ââ€" ¦Sociology ââ€" ¦Sound ââ€" ¦Sustainable Development ââ€" ¦Theatre and Drama ââ€" ¦Tourism and Events ââ€" ¦Web Communication

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The bioprocess of yogurt

The bioprocess of yogurt Abstract This report discusses the bioprocess of manufacturing yoghurt on an industrial scale. On a industrial scale the procedure for yoghurt production follows: preparation and standardization of milk, Pasteurization, homogenization, Cooling to incubation temperature for inoculation with starter culture, fermentation, post-fermentation treatment i.e. adding additive such as flavouring, fruit addition, refrigeration and packaging. In examining each step and identifying limitation, improvements in the general procedure have been suggested. Some improvements include; ensuring correct standardization of milk i.e. yoghurt standard contents are met, changes in technique used to alter fat content, effective heat treatments to kill off unwanted organisms, verification of fermentation process to give and starter culture used in inoculation provides high yields, handling is limited to avoid contamination of and damage to the final product. Introduction Yoghurt is one of the most popular dairy products consumed worldwide and is made principally on the bacterial fermentation of milk. The word is from the Turkish Yogen, meaning thick. Originating in the slopes of Mount Elbrus the discovery of yoghurt was by complete chance; when a Turkish nomads pitcher of milk was contaminated by some organism that thrived in warm milk. Since then yoghurt has been produced and consumed worldwide for at least 5 400 years and continues to be one of the most nutritious foods proving unique nutritional value to the consumer. Yoghurt is produced when a lactic acid bacterial starter culture is used to ferment the sugar Lactose found in milk to Lactic Acid which then acts on the protein to give yogurt its characteristic texture and form. Dairy yoghurt is produced using a mixed culture of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus bacteria. Although the consistency, flavour and aroma may vary from one region to another, the basic ingredients and manufacturing process are essentially consistent. The general manufacturing procedure includes; Adjusting milk composition and addition of other ingredient to meet the required Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) in terms of fat and non-fat content. Pasteurization of milk to kill unwanted bacteria Homogenization of milk to ensure uniform composition Cooling of milk to optimum starter culture incubation temperature Fermentation of milk by addition of starter culture Addition of flavours and fruit Storage and packaging The implantation of this general manufacturing procedure is seen in the production of Yoplait yogurt (as seen in the flowchart below). Preparation of Milk In the production of yoghurt a variety of milk can be employed; whole fat, semi-skimmed milk or low fat milk, the type of milk used depends upon the type of yoghurt one intends to produce. However, one of the main importance when considering the type used is the absence of any material (disinfectant) or organisms that will hinder or prevent the growth of the starter organism, for example, bacteriophages which are a group of virus that can attack the starter organism causing extremely long periods of incubation (Moralee, 2002). When the milk arrives at the plant, its composition is altered before any further processing can be completed. This standardization process usually involves increasing the total solids content and decreasing the fat content. The fat content is reduced by a process termed centrifugation. Centrifugation is a separation process commonly used in the industrial treatment of milk. In this process the centrifugal force is utilized to separate insoluble from the liquids thereby resulting in the fat globules separating from the rest of the milk suspension. The milk should be kept at temperature of 40oC before entering the centrifuge (Costa Goomes, 2008). The lower the fat content the higher the lactose levels (Carpers, 2005) hence lowering the fat content will be beneficial when the milk later undergoes fermentation. Several methods can be used to raise the solid contents in milk; evaporation, addition of skim milk powder, addition of milk concentrates etc. In industrial yoghurt manufacturin g, the solids content of yogurt is often adjusted above the 8.25% minimum (Food and drug administration, 1999). Commonly the standard solids content is increase to 16% with 1-5% being fat and 11-14% being solid non-fat (SNF). Increasing the dry matter contents (solid non milk fat) not only improves the nutritional value of the yoghurt, but also provides a thicker, firmer and fuller bodied to the finshed yoghurt (Watson, 2004). Improvements Evaporation of milk prior to the fermentation process for concentrated milk (higher non-fat solid content) is utilized in order to give a better body and texture to the yoghurt. Due to the ever spiralling energy costs, the increase in cost of concentrating milk is becoming prohibitive ( Moralee, 2002). Consequently, larger manufacturing plants have begun replace the evaporation method with a new technique known as fortification. Fortification is the addition of dried milk solids to the base of milk prior to inoculation (Moralee, 2002). Several commercial yoghurt manufacturing plants are fortifying the base milk with a cocktail of milk and non milk solids (Smith, 2002). The addition of stabilizers may also be employed to improve the body of the yogurts as they increase the firmness and viscosity, preventing separation of the whey; liquid remaining after milk has been curdled, from the yoghurt, a problem know as syneresis (Watson dairy consulting, 2007). This is achieved through their ability to form gel structures in water and as a result leaving behind less free water for syneresis. Stabilizers are more important in yoghurt produced commercially as yoghurt mix has to be pumped, stirred, fruited and filled and will often break down to a runny liquid without the addition of stabilisers (Watson, 2004). The amount of beneficial stabilizers to be added to the yoghurt mixture is required to be determined simply through batch sampling experimentation by each manufacturer as Too much stabiliser and the yoghurt can take on a rubbery texture, far too much stabiliser and the yoghurt can become a hard solid mass (Moralee, 2002). Some stabilizers used in yoghurt manufacturing include gelatins, gums (locust bean, guar), pectins, and starch. Pasteurization Generally the fresh milk obtained from healthy animals is either beneficial or harmless, however, changes when improperly handled, or deterioration of the animals health can create conditions in which the bacteria are able to multiply. The large presence of unknown organisms in the raw milk would make the fermentation too unreliable and unpredictable for commercial operations (Csutak, 2005). Pasteurization is the process by which heat treatment to each particle of milk at relatively high temperature for a specified period of time is capable of killing off harmful bacteria for example pathogens, and improve the storage quality of milk by inactivating certain undesirable enzymes and spoilage bacteria (Watson 2007). Typical temperatures for milk pasteurization are 85-95oC for 20-30minutes (Smith 2002). This technique of heat treatment is also successful in achieving a more stable gel as it denatures the whey (serum) proteins. Furthermore, high heat treatment can also ensure little compe tition from spoilage organisms providing a much better environment for grown of starter organisms later in the process. It is important that the pasteurization of the milk occurs before addition of starter cultures as this ensures they act as prebiotics; remain active in yoghurt after fermentation (moralee, 2002). Improvements: Whilst pasteurization of the milk is effective in destroying microorganisms, improper handling after pasteurization can recontaminate the milk (Brock, 2005). Several safe handling practices can be employed such as sterilised equipment should be used, preferable stainless steel utensils as these are more easy to clean and durable, pure water streams should be utilize when cleansing to prevent any contamination, rapid cooling to approximately 5oC or less and storage in closed vessels before and after pasteurization to ensure unaltered quality and flavour of milk (Brock, 2005). Pasteurization can be a continuous or batch process, however, commercially it is better in continuous stirring vessels as this continuous agitation ensures every particle of milk including the foam receives the minimum heat treatment. The temperature within each vessel should be monitored with an accurate metal or glass thermometer (Smith P, 1981). Apart from utilising pasteurization, Ultra-high temperature (UHT) is another type of heat treatment that is currently being employed. In this type of processing organisms are destroyed destroy more effectively by heating the mixture for a shorter period of time, approximately 1-2 seconds, at an extremely high temperature exceeding 135oC (Dairy Science and Technology, 2007). UHT treatment essentially sterilizes the milk and allows it to be stored at room temperature for up to 8 weeks with out change in flavour (Brock, 2005). Homogenization In the commercial production of yoghurt milk is always virtually homogenize prior to fermentation in order to give a uniform product. Homogenization of milk aids in the prevention of cream that is, the fat from rising to the surface during the fermentation process. Using a homogenizer or viscolizer fat globules are broken down into much smaller and more evenly dispersed particles and subsequently producing a much smoother and creamier end product (Watson, 2007). When milk enters a homogenizer it is force through small orifices at extremely high pressures breaking down globules as a result of the high shearing forces and dispersing the fat evenly throughout the milk which prohibits the fat from rising to the top of the container (Steane, 2008). Milk mixtures are typically homogenized under pressures of 2000-2500 psi (Moralee, 2002). Additionally this process also prevents wheying off during the incubation and storage stage thus enhancing the stability and consistency of the yoghurt. O nce the homogenized mixture has been cooled to the optimum growth temperature, the starter culture is added. It is important for the mixture to be cooled to a typical temperature of approximately 45oC for inoculation as temperatures higher than this may kill off culture (Watson, 2007). Following the cooling of milk to a temperature of 40-45oC, the milk is inoculated with a fermentation culture. The main starter cultures for yoghurt production are Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. The function of the starter cultures is to ferment the lactose, sugars found in milk, to produce lactic acid. C12H22O11 + H2O ? 4 C3H6O3 Lactose Lactic Acid The increase in lactic acid production corresponds to a decrease in pH levels and causes the milk to clot, or form the soft gel curd that is characteristic of yogurt. The fermentation of lactose also produces flavour compounds, acetaldehyde, that are characteristic of yogurt. The lactic acid levels can be measured by simply performing a titration with sodium hydroxide. The current minimum standards for yoghurt manufacturing require a value of at least 0.9% acidity and a pH of about 4.4 (Food and drug administration, 1999). The fermented milk is typically incubated in large sealed vats in a temperature controlled environment, temperature is monitored carefully to maintain at a temperature optimum for starter culture growth. Inoculation typically occurs at a rate of 0.5-5% (Watson, 2007). When the desired acidity, that is pH level of about 4.4 is reached, rapid cooling to approximately 7 oC is effected in order to stop the fermentation process. It is vital to note that too long or too short a fermentation process will produce a product that is inferior in either its flavour or texture. Too long fermentation will give other organisms the change to become established, with the associated risks of off flavours and smells (Morale, 2002). In the commercial production of yoghurt, emphasis is not only on the fermentation ability but also on characteristics imparted by the lactic acid cultures. For satisfactory performance the starter culture must be capable of rapid acid production, flavouring of yoghurt, production o full body and texture yoghurt. The determination of whether the starter culture activity is satisfactory or not is determined by direct microscopic counts of culture slides stained with methylene blue (Smith, 2002). In doing so there is also the benefit of observing the physiological state of the cultured cells. The lactic starter culture used for yoghurt production is thermophillic has an optimum temperature of 42oC. The two cultures (Lactobacillus and streptococcus thermophillus) can be grown independently; however, there is a higher rate of acid production when used in together (mixed strain), that is that make use of each others metabolites in order to effect the acid production efficiency. Streptococc us thermophilus grows at a faster rate producing carbon dioxide and lactic acid. The formate along with the carbon dioxide stimulates the growth of Lactobacillus (Smith, 2002). During fermentation the yoghurt mixture coagulates when the pH level drops. The streptococci are responsible for the initial pH drop of the yogurt mix to approximately 5.0. The lactobacilli are responsible for a further decrease to pH 4.5 (Steane, 2008). Inoculation of lactic starter cultures with yoghurt milk produces lactic acid, acetaldehyde and acetic acid. Improvements- As mentioned above when selecting the type of milk used in manufacture of yoghurt it is important for the milk to possess a low bacteria count, be free from sanitizing chemicals, rancid milk and have no contamination by bacteriophages. Serious economic losses in the yoghurt industry have been attributed to phage attack (Smith, 2004). Accompanying the decrease in texture and flavour, bacteriophage attacks decreases the rate of acid production. Large scale manufacturers typically have laboratory facilities to check incoming milk to eliminate the possibilities of other starter inhibiting substances (Moralee, 2002), however, the presence of bacteriophages is always a risk. Large manufacturers Phage are usually found in the drains and floor gullies of a dairy producing any cultured product, poor hygiene and a lack of general housekeeping increase the risk (Dairy Science Technology, 2007). Thus in order to reduce the possibility of bacteriophage present strict sanitation procedures would e nsure prevention of phage attack (Smith, 2004). This include; hand-washing between each handling, sterile tanks, floors and bench surface. s Also, since the starter culture is one of the most critical ingredients in yoghurt manufacture synchronisation of rate of acid production and plant production schedules is extremely vital. For example, if frozen cultures are used then a longer incubation period of approximately 5 hours at 43oC is required for acid production (Smith 2002). Similarly as noted above, maintenance of temperature is extremely important for starter culture. This is because if the temperature of incubation is too low, culture grows at such a slow rate that it is unable to adequately acidify milk and to achieve a good texture vice versa if the temperature is too high the culture is killed. Traditionally, when the lactic acid starter culture is grown in a suitable medium, small quantities will be extracted to inoculate each new batch of yoghurt. This is commonly referred to as using bulk starter. However, due to the high risk of bacteriophage infections and the delay in time when each new batch is prepared, employment of bulk starter is becoming increasingly uncommon amongst commercial producers (Smith, 2002). A new technique referred to as DVI (Direct Vat Inoculation) is fast becoming the most preferred choice which involves inoculating the yoghurt mix directly with a very large number of freeze dried starter organisms (Watson,2007). Even though there may be a longer incubation time, relative immunity to phage attack makes this a more safe option for manufacturing plants to ensure production of yoghurt is efficient every time. The design of the container in which the fermentation process is carried out in can also improve the process. Commercially there has been a shift in design of cone bottom processers to facilitate the draining of relatively viscous fluids after incubation (Carpers, 2005). Critical step in the fermentation process is the maintenance of the optimum temperature for growth of starter cultures; hence well insulted incubation vats should be utilized. Addition of fruit and Packaging At this stage fruits and addition desired flavours may be added at or prior to filling preformed pots. Common additives include, fruit flavours, colouring agents, sweetening agents. Depending on the type of yoghurt, the above fermentation process may occur before this addition of fruit or after. For example, in set style yoghurt fruit is added to the bottom of the cup and inoculated yoghurt is poured over the top, the fermentation takes place within the cup. For stirred yoghurt, the fruit is blended with the cooled ferment yoghurt and yoghurt texture can be made smoother by pumping it through a cone before packaging (Moralee, 2002). The yoghurt is refrigerated until it is required for package and transportation. Conclusion- In undertaking an engineering analysis of the bioprocess of yoghurt and exploring each step carefully it can be seen that although yoghurt follows a general manufacturing procedure. The bioprocess of yoghurt production involves preparation of milk, followed by pasteurisation and homogenisation of the milk, cooling down period, then inoculation with a lactic acid bacterial starter culture to ferment the milk. Measurement of acid production measures the success in fermenting milk. Additions of fruit and other additives are added just prior to storage and packaging. The exploitation of the fact that milk contains the sugar lactose, and when undergoing fermentation with a starter culture produces lactic acid, allows observation of how yoghurt is produced. The production of yoghurt on an industrial scale requires great improvement in the handling of the mixture to ensure no contamination, choice of raw materials will greatly affect the final product, employing a successful method to obtai n a starter culture that is free from unwanted materials and operation in fermentation vats that give efficient outcomes. References Carpers S, 2005 ,, viewed 14/04/10 Driessen, F. M., Ubbels, J., and Stadhouders, J., Continuous manufacture of yogurt. I. Optimal conditions and kinetics of the prefermentation process, Biotech. Bioeng., 19, 821, 1977 Ed Excel Foundation,, viewed on the 24/04/10). J Scott Smith Yiy Hui, 2002, Food processing: principles and applications, pg 297-319 John Watson, 2007,, viewed 13/04/10 Neil Moralee, 2002,, viewed 13/04/10 Savello, 1998, viewed 28/04/10 Tamime, A. Y. and Deeth, H. C. Yogurt: technology and biochemistry, J. Food Protection, 43, 939, 1980. Wang S, 2000,, viewed 28/04/10 Brock C, 2005,, viewed 25/04/10 Steane R, 2008,, viewed 17/04/10

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Family and Medical Leave Act Essay -- essays research papers

Family and Medical Leave Act   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Family and Medical Leave Act was enacted by Congress on February 5, 1993, and it is public law 103-3. This law allows for a person to leave work in certain situations without losing his/her job. An eligible employees must have worked for the employer for at least 12 months and at least completed 1250 hours of service. An employee is able to leave work for up to 12 weeks for any of the following reasons: the employee expects a baby in his/her immediate family, the employee expects an adopted child in his/her immediate family, the employee has to take care of an ill family member which includes spouse, parent or his/her own children, and/or the employee has a serious medical condition which makes him/her unable to carry out his/her job function. The employee has to provide legitimate certification stating the reason of the leave (e.g. doctor’s note). The law states that the employer does not have to pay the employee. Therefore, depending on the employer, the employee might or might not get paid. Some employers might require the employee to use up his/her vacation, sick or personal days. Others compensate the employee for the duration of absence, while some employers do not compensate at all. However, in all circumstances, the employee does not lose his/her position, benefits, pay and seniority in the company/organization. Also, during the time of leave, the employee is still protected under his/her health plan (DO...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Did Jose Rizal Retract? Essay

Dr. Jose Rizal has been a national iconic hero for over a hundred years. He has been the symbol of our country’s freedom, the epitome of nationalistic patriotism. He emanates martyrdom with every fiber of his being and everything else that he left the country to strive upon. His story has been narrated in countless books and articles. He became an extension of education where he was the main course in a classroom, an honorable feature of Rizal. His totality as a person, essentially as a Filipino has been studied a hundredfold by researchers and students alike. For years, the Filipino race glorified respect for Jose Rizal because of his sacrifices as a citizen, his beliefs as an honest propagandist, and all his talents that have been appreciated because of their effectiveness in the process of gaining equal rights as a united nation. However, his reputation as an unwavering bayani has been doubted due to lingering issues that contradict the very core reason why we Filipinos learned to gratify his efforts, his existence in our history. The issue of Jose Rizal’s so-called â€Å"retraction† has been around since both Manila and Spanish newspapers published claiming his retraction right after his execution. In some sources, they state that Rizal’s alleged retraction did not actually happen. These sources say that the friars who visited him within twenty four hours prior his execution convinced him to confess the sins they accused him of committing. [1]â€Å"The Jesuits, on the other hand, were with him practically every minute of the time, six priests going in relays, usually two at a time, in an attempt to bring about Rizal’s conversion.† [2]â€Å"The main motive, of which, is to make Rizal admit his errors against religion and retract them. If the friars of the future could state with authority that Rizal’s expressed views on the friars were not what he really believed, it would cast an element of doubt over everything he had written, making people hesitate to believe it. At least seven Jesuits visited Rizal at various times during the course of the day.† But Rizal stood his ground and even refused to mark his signature onto the notification given to him declaring the statement of his execution. In spite of his conviction, he eventually submitted and signed for his death sentence. [3]â€Å"He was ordered by the judge to sign the notification of sentence as required by law. He refused to sign and was resigned to do so.† In this issue of Rizal’s alleged retraction incident, the previously mentioned indicates the belief of Rizal not committing such declaration of withdrawal and confession. While the other stands for the contradicting, that of which claims Rizal of actually signing a statement of his retraction. There are sources indicating that there are proofs of Rizal not actually retracting. An example of such is his burial. He was not buried within a Catholic cemetery and was listed as a suicide (criminal) case, a neglected body along with the heaps of cadaver with unknown causes of death. If he did retract and admonished Masonry, then the Church, claiming his retraction and his reconciliation with the religion, would have had the decency of giving him a proper Catholic burial and declare his death under the list of Catholics, to acknowledge the confession the friars claimed they witnessed Rizal committed. The alleged retraction papers also only were revealed about thirty (30) years after Rizal’s death. A matter of concern was uprooted when two statements of the declaration were recognized, both of which had a great deal of differences. Some claim that one of these was fabricated, and some claim that the â€Å"original† copy aged and rotted in the grasp of the Spanish Catholic friars. [4]What they saw was a copy done by one who could imitate Rizal’s handwriting while the original (almost eaten by termites) was kept by some friars. There are also those who strongly believe that Rizal could not have had any reason to retract, arguing that Rizal was a noble man who would not stoop so low as to follow those whom he initially was writing against. Such a believer is Gumersindo Garcia, Sr., M.D., stating: [5]â€Å"I find it inconceivable that a man of his character with such devotion and patriotism to his country and, moreover, willingness to die for her would break down in a moment and write the alleged retraction for no other reason than to abjure masonry and return to the Roman Catholic Church for fear of the damnation of his soul in case he did not do it. In my humble opinion, Rizal was a sincerely religious man who knew what he believed in and could not be cowed by threat of eternal damnation from anybody. Besides, he could remain a mason and a Catholic at the same time just as many masons in the Philippines†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I myself would want to believe that Rizal had not retracted. Since it is still a boiling issue for over far too many years now, this just exemplifies the ambiguity of the information accumulated regarding this issue. If Rizal did retract, his pedestal as this country’s national hero can stumble and Filipinos can lose touch with the roots of their blood, with the thinking that our hero in actuality may have been a coward a liar, or any adjective that can tarnish his image of idealistic nature. We may not entirely understand Rizal’s complex personality, but our country can at least look back and appreciate the hardships our forefathers went through so that we, the children of this country can be treated as human beings with justice and equal rights. All we have to do now is to simply follow in their conviction and to not let their efforts be put to waste. ———————– [1] An excerpt from â€Å"The Life and Writings of Dr. Josà © Rizal† Chapter 16: Did Rizal Retract paragraph 2 [2] An excerpt from â€Å"The Last Hours of Rizal† by Coates, as cited by paragraph 3 [3] An excerpt from â€Å"The Last Hours of Rizal† by Coates, as cited by paragraph 2 [4] An excerpt from â€Å"The Retraction† paragraph 25 [5] A statement by Gumersindo Garcia, Sr., M.D., as cited by Maria Stella S Valdez, from the book â€Å"Dr. Jose Rizal and the Writing of His Story†

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger Essay

In The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, the author takes us on a journey with Holden Caulfield, a sixteen-year-old boy, going in and out of many boarding schools. When he gets kicked out of Pencey the story begins. In fear of coming home to his parents, Holden takes a trip to New York; which leaves him at the point of mental, physical, and emotional insanity. As the novel goes on his obsession with keeping children from losing their purity grows. The adult world seems fake, and Holden does not respect people who made the transition. In Gerald Rosen’s â€Å"A Retrospective Look At The Catcher In The Rye† he explores Holden’s connection to other characters in the book. He also analyzes the difficulties in crossing over to the adult world. Holden qualms the crossing over due to the fact that losing one’s innocence will force one to face reality, and will at times cause adults to â€Å"fall† into a deeper hole. Holden’s mania of keeping children from transitioning to adult hood shows all throughout The Catcher in the Rye. Rosen explains that during the period of time Holden was in the museum he made it known that everything always stayed the same. The purpose of the â€Å"glass cases† acts as a defense against touching, or tainting. â€Å"Like the children in the museum, to protect the innocent, the catcher must strictly refrain from touching; he must ‘just leave them alone’’’ (Rosen). This moment in the book compares the protected artifacts to the innocence of a child. He feels that if the children had someone to protect them from getting affected (â€Å"touched†) by the hard and cruel times in life they could hold onto their purity for as long as possible. Holden expresses the fact that he wants ensure security and stability during these times in life. This point seems to be the first point in the novel where Holden shows a desire to keep children from corruption. â€Å"Anyway, I keep picturing all these kids playing some game in the big field of rye and all†¦What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start going over the cliff† (Salinger 173). Holden wants to â€Å"catch† the kids from their transition into an adult. He does not want them having to deal with losses they will have to overcome in life. He believes that going into adulthood marks the point where society shows its true face. Since Allie, Holden brother’s, death he sees how reality twists and warps in sick ways. While walking around the museum he sees profanity. â€Å"I went down by a different staircase, and I saw another ‘Fuck You’ on the wall. I tried to rub it off with my hand again, but this one was scratched on, with a knife or something. It wouldn’t come off. It’s hopeless, anyway. If you had a million years to do it in, you couldn’t rub out even half of the ‘Fuck You’ signs in the world. It’s impossible† (Salinger 173).When Holden see those words written on the wall he realizes that the youth has already gone through exposure to corruption and cannot go backwards. Holden now understands his inability to save the children from â€Å"falling†, growing up. Since Holden has spent most of his time refraining other from going into adulthood, he did not see how much he himself has fallen. Holden has many similar qualities to a former classmate, James Castle. â€Å"Holden is identified with Castle by Castle’s having killed himself while wearing Holden’s sweater and by Castle’s appearing just before Holden on the roll call and school. This carries the implication that Holden maybe next in line for Castle’s death† (Rosen). James Castle’s way of and to death influenced Holden’s view of life. He suddenly became ostracized in society surrounded by a bunch of â€Å"phonies†. Death was the start and end of Holden’s loss of innocence. Holden never truly had an adult figure in life. His parents detached themselves from him, in times of his need. Feeling like he needed to communicate with someone he called his former teacher, Mr. Antolini. Holden wants to catch children from falling, where as Mr. Antolini wants to save Holden from a rough way down. â€Å"I have a feeling that you’re falling, a terrible,terrible fall† (Salinger 186).Mr. Antolini says this because ever since Allie’s death Holden has had a series of falls. Even though Allie was younger than Holden, he idolized him and thinks very highly of him. Mr. Antolini symbolizes Holden’s loss of Allie, loneliness, and inability to posess self-esteem. Holden wants to provide insurance for children so they do not experience the reality of society and from â€Å"falling† into a deeper hole. Making sure he succeeds, he does everything to keep them from going over the edge. Holden grows up through the novel, and realized that losing one’s innocence in is an unavoidable part of life. In this stage of life one makes the most mistakes and learns from them. If one never went through experience necessary to grow into an adult, they would seem very naà ¯ve and easily taken advantage of. People that have gone through the difficult crossing over want to protect children from the hard-ships. Works Cited Rosen, Gerald. â€Å"A Retrospective Look At The Catcher In The Rye.† American Quarterly 457-462 Salinger, J.D. The Catcher in the Rye. Boston: Little, Brown, 1951.

Dramatic principle Essay

The Prelude is a long autobiographical poem, described the poet’s love of nature and his own place in the world order. â€Å"Dust as we are, the immortal spirit grows Like harmony in music; there is a dark Inscrutable workmanship that reconciles Discordant elements, makes them cling together In one society. † The Prelude had a great influence in prose poetry (Nichols 66 as quoted by Moore). Lyrical dialogue can be observed in it which shows that through Prelude, he wanted to move away from the monologic lyric. His breaking out from the monologic lyric has created the prose poem. The significant idea that the form of the poem should reflect the experience is denoted by his short poems (Rehder 179 as quoted by Moore). He desired for irregular forms to experience uniqueness (Rehder 206 as quoted by Moore). The poetic genres free verse and prose poetry are actually developed from that idea of uniqueness. Robert Browning had won himself the reputation of a dramatic poet and was able to produce the dramatic monologues. Though at his time a dramatic monologue was not yet a genre, this is considered now as a poetic genre with intriguing characteristics in a sense that it gripped the minds of the scholars. This genre has a characteristic of modern criticism. However, modern criticism stresses on the dramatic part, the dramatic monologue stresses the lyrical characteristics. His monologues incorporate action and conflict in the drama thus it involves outpouring of emotions. It is clearly evident in his work that it is a mixture of lyrical and dramatic (Abou-Bakr). Browning’s collection the Dramatic Lyrics shows his concept of poetic genre particularly about being lyrical and dramatic. It seems that Browning saw the dramatic principle by employing the creation of fictional characters who will take the role of the speaking voice I his poems. These characters or the so-called personae are the ones giving the lyrical utterances or expressions. To Browning, lyrical and dramatic can be differentiated by its proximity from the poet himself. The Confessional exposes not the sin of the persona however it reveals the sin of the priest. It was actually lightened by the humor incorporated in it. You think Priests just and holy men! Before they put me in this den I was a human creature too, With flesh and blood like one of you, A girl that laughed in beauty’s pride Like lilies in your world outside. The father’s head was long and white, With love and truth his brow seemed bright; He told me what he would not tell For hope of heaven or fear of hell; And I lay listening in such pride! And, soon as he had left my side, Tripped to the church by morning-light To save his soul in his despite. Wordsworth’s and Browning’s work are similar in some ways but different in most ways. The main difference of their works is the genre itself. Wordsworth is employing lyrical dialogue in his poems in which he can be one of the persons in the dialogue. He is very effective in showing the beauty of what can be seen due to fact that his poetry are all about those he had highest regard and those he got involve with. His works tell truths of what is truly a happening and there is enthusiasm on it. He developed the prose poetry by employing dialogue in his poems. Browning is more focused on describing what is truly felt. His works dwell on emotions felt by a person in a certain situation. He developed the dramatic monologue which becomes the basis for modern criticism. In his works he makes use of personae to represent the person in the poem. These are actually fictional characters which speak for and express the emotion in the poem. He diverged from what is called tradition of poetry and tried to present his poem in a different view. Works Cited Abou-Bakr, Randa. â€Å"2001. American University in Cairo. Accessed February 8, 2008, from http://www. thefreelibrary. com/ Robert+Browning’s+%22 Dramatic+Lyrics%22: +Contribution+to+a+Genre-a082322117 Brians, Paul. â€Å"Romanticism. † 1998. Accessed Februry 9, 2008, from http://www. wsu. edu /~brians/ hum_303/romanticism. html Moore, Dena L. â€Å"William Wordsworth’s Contribution to Prose Poetry. 2002. Accessed February 8, 2008, from http://www. authorsden. com/visit/viewarticle. asp? AuthorID=3247&id=5659 â€Å"Romantic Movement. † 21st Century Universal Encyclopedia. Eight Edition, 1994. â€Å"Socialist Realism. † 21st Century Universal Encyclopedia. Eight Edition, 1994. â€Å"Social Realism. † Accessed February 9, 2008 from, http://www. freeessays . cc/db/6/ame195. shtml

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Key Performance Indicators Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Key Performance Indicators - Assignment Example Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is â€Å"a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis† (ECCJ 2006). This paper aims at providing an overview of the theoretical and conceptual developments in relation to the increased emphasis on social accountability of those who are responsible for managing businesses and Corporate Social Responsibility, which in turn assists the businesses to establish corporate policies and practices which are meant to pose a positive impact on the social environment. In the modern business world of today, each industry and business plays the role of bringing stability by satisfying the needs of the customers. As the businesses all around the world are growing and developing, every interested individual or organization, whether he is a consumer or investor is asking corporations to conduct their operations in a more efficient and accountable way, which conforms to the ethical requirements. This emerging demand from the elements within the society has forced the organizations to adopt a modern concept named CSR. This paper generally focuses on the theoretical fra mework related to CSR and developments related to CSR in the world so as to analyze the businesses and their operations on these identified parameters. What is Corporate Social Responsibility... Customers got chance to network purchase by 750 store located in UK. Per year 130 million customers got services and 6 millions ordered by online and phone. The important factors that help to move forward to the company are Differentiated and market leading formats, Leveraging scale and infrastructure, Product ranges and related services, Delivering value to the customer, Efficient cost base and financial strength etc.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   ‘JD Sports’ is another retail company running in UK. From 1981, in Oxford Street, the company started their business and clothing, footwear, sports items and accessories are the main products. The company earns more than ? 769.8 million in 2010 financial year. Kesa electronic company sells electronic items. â€Å"The principal products sold by the group are categorized as white, brown and grey electrical goods and related accessories. White goods comprise large and small sized domestic appliances, such as refrigerators, washing ma chines, microwaves, coffee machines and irons† (Products and Services 2011, para. 1). Gray goods are included telecommunications and multimedia products like mobile phone, Computers, digital cameras scanner, printer etc. Brown goods means all vision and audio products like  DVD players, flat-screen televisions, MP3 players and camcorders. The company â€Å"is ideally placed to offer associated services such as home delivery and installation, credit and extended warranties. In addition, the development of digital convergence has provided us with the opportunity to offer a range of ‘paid for’ services† (Products and Services 2011, para. 5). The company’s group revenue was increased to 7.6% that up to â‚ ¬2567 million. The company effectively approached with corporate social

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Urban economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Urban economics - Essay Example For instance, there are 2 the automotive parts, accessories and tire store business. Compared to other cities around, Calabasas is not performing that well economically compared to Culver City and Los Angeles which records a number of 5 and 462 of such stores respectively. Los Angeles is leading compared to other cities in terms of motor vehicle numbers, recording a number of 63 compared to 1 in Calabasas, CA. It is so unfortunate that other cities like the Malibu, CA and the Culver City, CA do not have any motor vehicle dealer. According to the NAICS 2014 statistics, Calabasas, CA has a total of 7 automobile dealers, this is far away behind the Los Angeles, CA which had a recording number of 282. Sales of motor vehicles has really contributed to the economic growth of the cities in USA. In 2014 alone, the sales from motor vehicle was 238m dollars in Calabasas, CA, 24.737 m dollars in Culver City, Ca, and 10216067000 dollars in Los Angeles, CA, This is a quite encouraging revenue for the states. Other variables attached to the economic growth finding is the revenue from motor oil and the gasoline. Malibu, CA recorded an amount of 16.583 million dollars, 28.526 m dollars for Calabasas, CA, 24.737 m dollars for Culver City, CA, and 3748190400 dollars for Los Angeles, CA. Based on the household number, Malibu, CA has household number of 5178, Calabasas, CA has household number of 8527,Culver City, CA has a number of 39844, while Los Angeles, Ca recorded a household number of 3881954. The population density per square mile for Malibu, CA was 373, 1423 for Calabasas, Ca, 6489 for Culver City, CA, and 8257 for Los Angeles, CA. Finally, the net outlay for the purchasing the vehicles was 23.031 m dollars for Malibu, CA, 39.544 m dollars for Calabasas, CA, 65.343 m dollars for Culver City, CA, and 4527330600 for Los Angeles, CA. From the above statistics it is so evident that Los Angeles is performing well

Monday, October 7, 2019

Liberation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Liberation - Essay Example The Declaration of Independence has also played an important part in the history of the United States. The language that Jefferson used and the ideas that he espoused influenced numerous presidents and political leaders to this day. Abraham Lincoln considered the Declaration of Independence to be the very foundation of his political philosophy. It was the Declaration of Independence that explained the significance of liberation for the colonists in the United States. There are a number of facts presented in the Declaration of Independence that prove why this liberation was ultimately necessary for the colonies (Kelly). The tone of the Declaration of Independence suggests that it was intended to be a persuasive document to be read by many different audiences. The tone is indirect, i.e., the primary purpose of the piece is not fully disclosed until the end of the argumentation. In persuasive essays, the author uses facts and evidence to bolster his argument and to prove to the reader t he truthfulness of his point of view. These facts and evidences also create the context of the main theme of the argument. They may also influence the reader to accept the core message of the essay. Thomas Jefferson followed this pattern by allowing the opening and body to lead up to the main idea of the Declaration of Independence, which he left for the end. He drafted it so that it would persuade his readers that the liberation of the colonies was a significant betterment for the people, politically, financially, and socially.He begins by describing the reasons why the colopnies wanted to separate from the rule of England and its monarchs. He opens with a very wide scope that involves the rules of nature as justification for the colonies' independence and he contrasts this idea with the rules of man that England uses to impose its will on the colonies. Jefferson states that God created all men as equals and gave them the ability to think and decide their destinies for themselves. â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness†. This sentence alone places the Declaration of Independence among the best-known sentences in the English language. Tn addition to the poetry of the prose, the ambit of its argument is so braod and powerful that it merits such consideration. Jefferson proceeded to back this statement of principle with factual evidence to further build his arguments for colonial independence. The facts provided were presented in such a manner that they were intended to be effective tools in persuading Jefferson's audience. For example, Jefferson initially admits that changing a long established government should not be done for causes that are not material, but if the government does not change its behavior and uses its power against the will of the people, and does this repeatedly, then it becomes the right and duty of the people being governed to remove the government and obtain new protectors to ensure the security of their future (Selzer). This evidential appeal helped support the Declaration of Independence's status in history. After making this initial declaration of intent, and setting forth the basic points of his main argument, Jefferson

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Marriage and the Family Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Marriage and the Family - Personal Statement Example The solution that the educator that I interviewed presented was simply the desire of the parents to take some time off their careers in order to stay longer at home and monitor the development of their children. It is not always good to depend on the nannies and tutors to preside over the learning of their children. The parents have to be committed to regularly be there when their children needs them. The counselor that I interviewed mentioned that there are three fundamental procedures of decision-making in the present day families: the top-down method, the democratic method, and the subculture method. Top-down or implemented decision-making normally happens in the family structure of disoriented families, because the heads of these families do not know that it normally leads in bad developments that are hard to manage, even though they may be effortless to tell to the members of the family (Napier 5). In short, they do not know that top-down methods may lead in forced compliance from the children for instance, but in reality they do not totally agree to it. As a solution to this problem, the counselor suggested that families implement the deliberate methods to decision-making which are hard and eat up a lot of time, but the dedication and trust to the development will be more effective than an altered family setting which decreases outputs and results. C. Opinion of the Social Worker The social worker that I interviewed mentioned that majority of the failed activities of families at present rely tremendously on the lack of interpersonal interaction and relationship among the family members. Bounded with a distorted objective, the control of developments at families is not always coordinated with the family members that will benefit or will immediately feel the impacts. Discussing the objective of development at families nowadays is not always important (Cherlin 6). As a solution to this problem, the social worker recommended that families should start to realize that interaction is the highly recommended way that the families must always use. If the family members can effectively communicate with each other, obtaining the trust of each other and managing a smooth relationship will always be easy to do, and this leads to a smooth flow of family functions. Personal Notes I believe that family is the most important treasure in the world. While it is true that families cannot be perfect all the time, the family members must always have the initiative to help each other grow and become united as one. Of course, the parents have to be role models in order for the children to follow. If the family stays together as one cohesive unit all then time, then problems no matter how they may be can be easily deflected and the family will be strong and firm with their support for each other. WORKS CITED Cherlin, Andrew. Public and Private Families: An Introduction. McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages; 5th edition 2006 Lamanna, Mary Ann. Marriages & Families: Making

Friday, October 4, 2019

The Balanced Scorecard Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

The Balanced Scorecard - Essay Example This direction is centrally provided in four dimensions which include financial, customer, internal process and learning and growth perspectives. SASA is an International Holdings Limited retailing group providing cosmetics. It is incorporated in Hong Kong, now enjoys the position of leading cosmetic provider from Asia. The success of SASA like any other business is the reflection of the effective strategic management. For continuing the practice of effective strategic management, the underlying report develops the Balance Score Card for the SASA Company for the further organized and effective strategic management. Hence, the accounting manager of SASA presents BSC plan to the strategic management of the company. COMPANY REVIEW Established in 1978 in Hong Kong, SASA now owns over 600 brands with 17,000 products to fulfill the customer’s cosmetics needs. SASA now successfully serves customers on more than 270 counters including stores and other options. In additional, service t o customers is also provided on online platform. Euromonitor 2013 rated SASA the largest cosmetic chain among the top 500 retailers of Asia and among the top ten Hong Kong’s retailer groups (SASA, 2013a). ... Under this domain, Sa Sa has around 260 multi brand store and seven specific specialty store in addition to the online service. The brand Management section encompasses nearly 100 brands exclusive and is only brand manager in Hong Kong (SASA, 2013a). EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT Cosmetic industry in Hong Kong is dominated by the imports from foreign market including France (US $1.7 Bn 2012) and USA (US$ 425 Bn in 2012). Hence, market is dominated by the foreign market; therefore, offers attractive potential for growth for the brand management section of the Sa Sa. The forecasted growth for future of the mentioned import is 13 percent and 15 percent in 2013 and 2014 respectively. Nearly, 35 million tourists from China in 2012 landed and offered potential to the Hong Kong market of Cosmetics and offers wide expansion opportunity to the locals businesses and foreign brands. It is important to mention, that though the potential to growth is extensive as no import duties are charged; however, the market is very competitive and top ten cosmetic provided hold 70 percent of the market (Export. gov, 2013). MISSION The mission statement of SASA clearly identifies its way of doing business. Mission identifies clearly that business concerned to work in four dimensions that include customers, employees, suppliers and overall society (SASA, 2013b). Every strategy of SASA is directed by leveraging expertise and benefits to and from these four pillars of SASA. VISSION The vision of SASA is to develop expanded foot prints with retail value added cosmetics and professional beauty expert service provider in the global market with central focus in mainland in China (SASA, 2013b). INTERNAL STRENGTHS ASSESSMENT (SWOT) Sa Sa is well reputed brand of Hong Kong in cosmetics industry.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Classroom Management Essay Example for Free

Classroom Management Essay Classroom management and discipline are two very important building blocks in a successful classroom. Setting rules and expectations for students has many positive benefits. Not only will students feel more comfortable in a stable well managed classroom, they will also learn more because there will be less distractions. Students in a classroom that are well managed will also retain the information for longer periods of time rather than just for the moment to make a good grade. Teachers want more than anything for their students to learn life skills that they can carry on with them into the future. Teachers want their classrooms to be a place that students look forward to attending to learn and feel safe and relaxed. In any classroom teachers want there to be mutual respect among teacher and students. In a classroom everything is to be organized and in its place, this will make it easy to move on from one subject or activity to the next without distractions. Colorful classrooms will make a fun and inviting environment for all kinds of students. Teachers should not want to have bland classrooms that bring the mood down with nothing fun or happy to look at. A classroom where students run wild and do whatever they want will not work for teachers or students. Many time school is not taken as seriously as it should be especially in younger grade levels, these are the years that form the minds of children, and their experiences in the classroom will have an effect of how they form into young adults. Most believe that all students have the want to learn. Fourth grade is about the time that students start paying more attention to their peers and surroundings. All students want to feel that they belong and be in an environment that they feel comfortable in. Therefore as a teachers it is their job to make sure that attention is paid to what the students are telling teachers even if they are not saying it out loud, and also to make sure that they are helped to learn not only what is written in the books, but also help them to learn about themselves. Section 2: Positive Climate A classroom is a place where teachers want students to love to be. First and most importantly all classrooms will have a set of rules and expectations that will be followed by teachers as well as students. If teachers do not set a good example in their classrooms, rules set for students will not be successful. The desks should be lined up in perfect rows making it easy to navigate around them, and give the students plenty of personal space. All the colors of the rainbow in a classroom make it a happy bright place. There will be posters on the walls with fun facts for students to read, along with classroom rules and expectations. A section full of pillows for students to relax and read, along with a section for games and group activities are positive spaces to have in a classroom. A great classroom will allow students to explore and learn on their own as well. As students are welcomed into the classroom, they will be met at the door with a happy smiling face and an excited positive attitude. The students will be allowed to find their desks, which will have their names on them, which will in that instance give them a sense of belonging. There will be games played on the first day to lighten the mood and help everyone get to know one another. Section 3: Rules, Consequences, and Procedures. The rules that will be established in a classroom should not be large in number. They will be rules that will keep the classroom running smoothly and keep students happy and respecting the teacher as well as their peers. With a solid easy to understand set of rules a teacher should expect that there will be a positive outcome. Starting with the first day of class rules and consequences will be established with all students. This information will be posted on the wall so that students can always see the rules to be reminded of what is expected of them. These rules and consequences are not to be used to make students afraid or uncomfortable, it’s so they will be shown and explained in a positive way, maybe even by playing a game to lighten the fact that there are rules that must be followed at all times. Rules: 1. Show respect to yourself as well as others 2. Keep hands and feet to yourself 3. Pay attention and follow directions 4. Raise your hand before speaking in class and use your indoor voice 5. Be prepared to learn Consequences There is a consequence to students’ actions whether it be a positive or negative one. Every week there will be a new chart made by the students with their names and five spaces for each day of the week, by allowing the students to make the charts themselves it gives them a way to express themselves and individuals. During the week their behaviors will be monitored and they will receive red dots for good and blue dots for bad behavior, at the end of the week the person with the most red dots will get a special treat. All the other students who have red dots will have a down time to read or play games. Students with blue dots will have to sit at their desks and go over the lesson or read silently, and not chat with their peers. If behavior is bad throughout the week and is becoming a habit the student will be taken aside and talked to. Not in a negative way but in a way to try and figure out what the teacher and student can do as a team to make the situation better. Make sure to ask the student if they may have a solution for the problem at hand. Procedures: 1. Restroom – ask, take bathroom pass, wash hands before returning to class. 2. Asking questions – raise hand and wait to be called upon 3. Turning in work – when work is complete quietly walk to the front of the room and put assignment in correct bin. 4. Needing help – place the red dice on the top of your desk and teacher will come to help with questions. 5. Changing activities – replace all materials being used, move back to desk and get materials ready for next assignment. Section 4: Specific Discipline Procedures or Measures Preventing bad behavior in the classroom may seem impossible, but in all honesty it may be attainable. If teachers keep a well managed classroom and their behaviors shadow the expectations that are given to the students, good behavior will be the outcome. By having all rules and expectations in an area where all students can see them, they will be reminded of them and be more likely to follow them. By having consequences for good and bad behavior this will help students to practice good behavior because they will already know the outcome of their actions. All desks will be facing the teachers desk so that they can see the teacher at all times. Keeping them in straight rows will also help students in keeping their hands and feet to themselves because they will all have adequate room. The white board where assignments are written, and the board with their behavior charts will be at the front of the class as well so they may see them at all times also. To help students who misbehave the teacher should take the time out to speak to the student in a one on one setting, giving the student the chance to explain themselves, and maybe express why they are behaving the way they are, and what steps they think they may need to take to fix the problem at hand. Teachers should not act as if they know what the problem is and how it should be fixed without giving the student a chance to speak as well. Good behaviors should be acknowledged as well, do not only focus on the bad. After speaking with the student take steps to help with behavior by asking the student how they are doing and if there is anything more you can do to help. If behavior continues to be bad, maybe taking a step for after school one on one time should be used to further access the problem. If a student violates school board policy, state regulations, or criminal laws steps outside of classroom discipline will have to be put into motion. If a student ever breaks any of these rules, school officials as well as the students parents will be called and actions will then be taken to fix the situations. Section 5: Approach to Discipline Personally I prefer Ginotts’ approach to discipline. I like the fact that he thinks the student should have the chance to express their opinion in the situation. By the teacher showing respect for the student and their thoughts I think this would be a very good approach because you gain the respect and trust from the student by showing them the same. There are times that I know that I am correct in a given situation, but I do not like to act as if I know everything; I like to give the other person a chance to make their case and explain why they feel the way they do. As I person I do not like to make people feel foolish so I respect every opinion and give mine in a nice respectful way. That is why I think that Ginott’s style fits my personality.